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How to read and understand The Bible.

Here is a unique way of looking at The Bible. A lot of us don't know where to start when it comes to reading it. Do we start at the beginning? Can we skip around, will it make sense if we do? It's hard to understand, sometimes we don't know whats going on or how to put it all together.

First, always pray, every time before you open your Bible to read it. Ask the Lord for the Holy Spirit to come into you and help you to read and understand God's word. The Bible was written for God's children, and only His children will understand it.

Second, understanding The Bible's layout as shown above will help you know where to start and what you are looking for as you read. Do you want to read about the laws, poetry, gospels etc...? This layout has helped me tremendously, before I was kinda wandering around The Bible picking what to read next and hoping it made sense.

A good thing to remember also, is that each book in The Bible, is just that "a book", they are not chapters. It was not made to be read as if you are reading a chapter book, but, several books put into one giant book. Hope this makes sense. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. God Bless!

By Angela


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