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We are in the Last Hour.

Wake up Children of God. Our Father is sending us warnings. Do you see them? Are you being distracted by the world? There is so much going on around us, it can be debilitating at times. What is true, who can we trust? But we are strong, we have the power of God inside each one of us.

Our Father told us to look out for:

Wars and rumors of wars:

Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan, North Korea, United States and Mexico and so on. What is Canada doing right now and the US will soon follow?

We are being divided by race, religion, politics (right or left), poor, rich, education, vaxed or unvaxed and so on. We are being divided in every way possible, even our own families are turning against each other. When you put this all together, EVERYONE is at war with EVERYONE in some way or fashion.

God told us this would happen, right before His return, are you paying attention yet? Matthew 24:6-13 tells us what is to come.

Earths Birth Pains will increase:

Have you noticed the weather? The tornadoes just in 2022 have been out of control with 1,202 confirmed just this year with 584 people loosing their lives.

Earthquakes is various places. The Great Lakes, Lake Erie has already experienced 9 earthquakes in 2022 and hundreds more around the world. USGS.

Snow on the East Coast and down South. That crippling snow storm of 2021 in Texas.

Heat waves, flooding everywhere, major droughts, grapefruit size hail, hurricanes, sand storms, winds over 100mph just in the US from the west to the east flipping semi trucks and flattening homes and business , horrific mudslides, major volcano irruptions and tsunamis and on and on.

Have you noticed we only hear of these things for a day or so and we are already moving on to the next thing? It's hard to keep up with everything, let alone our own household. We CANNOT lose focus, keep your eye on God. Do not be distracted with everything going on in the world, we have already been warned that these things are going to happen. We are to expect them.

We are also seeing food shortages, homelessness, major job loss. etc....

Our Father has given us everything we need to be prepared for a time like this. It's now up to us "His Children" to follow His direction and obey the Word of God. His teachings are everywhere. The Bible, Bible apps, teachers, profits, preachers, through prayer and listening, inspirational books, blogs, Christian radio and television. Gods word is everywhere, open your eyes Children and you will see, open your ears Children and you will hear.

We have to get our hearts right, He tells us that He is coming and it will be just like in the days of Noah. Noah was made fun of and mocked, yet he still fulfilled the call of God. He was obedient and that's what we need to do.

Shut the worldly voices off (music, videos, T.V., video games, porn etc...) and obey the call of God, heed the warning and you will be saved.

Repent and ask Jesus to come into your heart and fill it with the Holy Spirit. Get baptized and keep Gods word close, for we are living in the last hour!

By Angela


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